Saturday, April 2, 2011


I am beginning to wonder how difficult is it, in reality, to build the relationship I want...

Let's face it, as much as we'd like to live in a universe where love is a simple thing, love is complex. So is dating, dancing, and any other type of activity that might lead one to the belief that they may be experiencing love.

At any rate, I'm dating a fella. He's rather fun to look at, and a great dancer. I tend to like talking with him, when we talk. I'm not sure if I am as comfortable with my former philosophy of "if you're here, be here, otherwise go away". So, yea, I dunno. I am finding that talking with him around once a week, in txt format, it leaving me wanting more... I don't know why, either.

I suppose that this comes about because I just had my wisdom teeth removed, and I was kinda expecting him to call me or txt me to see how I was feeling after surgery. Sure, it's minor surgery, who cares, right? Well, my horse trainer called. So did Gretchen. Kaye came over to see me and bring me soup. My surgeon sent me flowers. Where the hell is this guy who things we're an item? Hm?

Is it because he was working? Probably. I dunno... I just dunno.

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